I rolled out of bed to greet yet another long weekend. It seems one of the most secular countries in Europe has the most public religious holidays... Seriously! We had a 4 day weekend a few weeks ago....
I guess the Dutch just enjoy taking breaks...
I rolled up an Amnesia spliff from the Goa and puffed away in my Garden while my breakfast Omelet was cooking. I gazed up at the sky watching how much faster the clouds move here than back home. Off in the distance I hear a jet engine, no doubt landing or taking off from Schipol and I can't help but wonder.... who's on that plane? is it an old businessman, wearliy travelling yet again abroad for some board meeting... or a group of College kids, with cannabis leaves for eyes waiting to experience a unique drug policy and culture very foreign to them....
I hear jets very often, coming and going to and from all remote places in the world...
... and I'm rambling on a bit... see what Hazes do to me?
I finished my breakfast and got ready for the day... no specific plan in mind, I just set my Ipod to random and took off on my old rusty Dutch bike... weaving in and out of the tiny streets and alleys of Leiden, I come to the main market street to find a book market unbeknownst to me even after living here for 5 months! I wandered slowly through the booths, looking at all the books, new and old, fiction and non fiction, adult and children books alike.... Most were in Dutch, but i saw a few english, french and others mixed in the bunch.
I ambled around the streets weaving in and out until eventually hitting yet another market, a cultural exchange between Leiden and Japan, complete with akido demonstrations, japanese films, and parades down the narrow streets. As the pass I'm pushed closer and closer to the other walkers and I begin to remember about the population density of the Netherlands.... theres so many of us in such a small place...
After some gazing around I biked over to my favorite coffeeshop in town, The The Leidseplein I was going to sit and enjoy the scenery, but the shop was bustling full without a seat in the place. (this usually happens during the peak hours right after opening...) I grabbed 2 grams of Organic Northern Lights for 14 Euros... I really love the prices here outside of amsterdam, especially in the small local shops... I slowly meandered home and rolled up a nice northern lights fatty. The sun has gone below the rooftops of the houses near me and the day is cooling off.
what a lovely place to live...

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